Scripts that you can use to simplify your svn logging and merging activities.
Most of the scripts explore the svn log to find important information that is not trivial to find for yourself.
Note that all of them accept either -h or --help as command line options to get help.
- svnBaseVersion
- Given two svn urls, print the common ancestor.
- svnBrachiation
- Print some number of ancestors of a given svn url.
- svnBranchName
- Print the name of the currrent "branch". The path between svn root and current directory.
- svnChangedFiles
- List all the names of files changed in the current branch.
- svnCompleteHistory
- Display all the changes that affect a branch's family line.
- svnDiff3
- Perform an svn merge of a single file using diff3 by finding the common ancestor.
- svnFileHistory
- Show diffs between ancestors of a file.
- svnFindAncestor
- Work hard to read the log files to determine the immediate ancestor of an svn URL.
- svnFindAncestors
- Find all ancestors of an SVN URL.
- svnInfo
- Run 'svn info' on a file and convert the output to a script that assigns variable to values
- svnListChanges
- List the real changes to an svn URL's history of changes.
- svnLog
- Log changes in a branch made to relevant files
- svnLogBranchMerge
- Produce a tree structured log of an svn URL's branching history intermingeld with merges.
- svnMainBranches
- A customizable script that tells you which branches of an SVN url are interesting.
- svnMergeFrom
- svn merge --non-interactive -x -b -x -w -x --ignore-eol-style <otherBranch> <ThisBranch>
- svnModified
- Run svn st and filter the resutls
- svnRelPath
- Print the svn 'relative path' of files
- svnRoot
- Print the svn root path of the current directory
- svnSnapshot
- Use svn st to produce commands to feed 'zip' to create an archive of
- svnTopDir
- Print the top directory in a hierachy checked out using svn co <url> <dir>
- svnUrl
- Print the SVN url of the current directory or a names file.
- svnUserLog
- svn log changes made by a specific user