File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
bin/cca.cxx [code]This file defines the cca program
bin/cpptagdb.cxx [code]
bin/csv.cxx [code]
bin/dumpCppTagDb.cxx [code]
bin/ftpwrapper.cxx [code]
bin/mus.cxx [code]
bin/selectFile.cxx [code]
bin/stv.cxx [code]
bin/t.cxx [code]
bin/tree.cxx [code]This file implementa a program, tree, that prints directory listings to stdout based on command line options. Its output is intended to draw a picture of the directory structure, not just list the names. Line drawing characters are used to describe the selected directory structures
bin/tv.cxx [code]
bin/v.cxx [code]
editor/editor.cxx [code]
editor/editversion.c [code]
editor/texteditor.cxx [code]
include/calloca.h [code]This header file makes the use of alloca portable -- it is generally inadvisable to use alloca in C++, but you never know when an overwhelming need will pop up
include/fnmatch.h [code]Defines an interface to the GNU file name pattern match routine
include/parse_date.h [code]This file defines the interface to the parse_date function. This function was written by David Nugent and is released with his own copyright -- although you could easily rewrite it yourself understanding what he does
include/portable_io.h [code]This file exists to make most level 1 and level 2 i/o functions portable. It also include directory reading functions and file control functions so as to provide a single location to grab most system i/o operations in a standard way
include/portable_math.h [code]A slight modification to math.h to make it include functions available both on linux and windows and all other systems. I.E. the maximium denominator. Not the minimum, but the maximum that spans all target h/w of interest
include/portable_new.h [code]Defines a list of portable 'new' style memory allocators. Deals with older compilers that don't have exceptions in the new header file. Add any additional functions that are needed for portability here
include/portable_strstream.h [code]Defines an interface to class strtream::strstream that is portable across linux, windows, and major unixes
include/regex.h [code]An old version of the GNU regex.h file taken from their repository in the late 1990's
include/BIscan/BIscan.h [code]Defines namespace BIscan which provides routines which perform fast and flexible scanning of character buffers and strings for the builtin types:
include/cxxtls/ascii_chart.h [code]Defines ascii_chart a simple textual function plotting tool
include/cxxtls/charSetTranslator.h [code]
include/cxxtls/classTraits.h [code]This file makes definitions that are useful to template writers and only marginally useful for any other purpose. If you are not writing templates you most likely already know the things about your data types that the class queries provided below are meant to tell you
include/cxxtls/cpp_token_stream.h [code]This file defines the C++ lexical analysis tools. It defines the concept of a C++ 'token', also a template which parses tokens from character sources (anything with an iterator), and a few concrete instances of token streams. The token sources defined below use the lexer template, CPP_Token_Stream, to instantiate CPP_Token_Source's. That is, you can write your code using CPP_Tokens to analyze the parsed source. Instead of referring directly to one of the concrete lexers (CPP_Stream_Token_Source, CPP_File_Token_Source, or CPP_String_Token_Source) you can write your code using the abstract lexer base class, CPP_Token_Source. The virtual method call overhead is likely to be small compared to the looping constructs typically found inside the lexer (CPP_Token_Stream<>)
include/cxxtls/cpptagdb.h [code]Symbols needed to access the output of cpptagdb.exe
include/cxxtls/csvviewer.h [code]
include/cxxtls/cubic_spline.h [code]Defines cubic_spline a 3rd order spline. Use spline instead
include/cxxtls/cursesinterface.h [code]Defines routines used to draw windows and text in cursor windows
include/cxxtls/cursorwindow.h [code]This file defines the class, CursorWindow, which provides an interface to curses style windows -- including sub-windows, called CursorWindow::viewport's. The viewports form a mechanism for writing text windowing applications. Before directly using any of the classes in this file, you should consider reading text_windows
include/cxxtls/directoryviewer.h [code]This file defines, DirectoryViewer. A class used to instantiate a user interface providing directory viewing and modification
include/cxxtls/etagsdb.h [code]This file defines the interface to the etags database -- the file created when you run the etags program
include/cxxtls/file.h [code]A collection of classes and functions that simplify file system access and the use of data objects, such as file names, operating system status information, etc
include/cxxtls/fmtd.h [code]This file defines the symbol, cxxtls::fmtd, that can be used to invoke snprintf on single data items easily in a C++ program without declaring a local buffer to hold the results
include/cxxtls/foreach.h [code]
include/cxxtls/ftp.h [code]Defines and interface to the FTP utilities
include/cxxtls/ftpviewer.h [code]This file defines the interface to the FTP viewer program, FTPviewer
include/cxxtls/hash_list.h [code]This file defines the hash_list container
include/cxxtls/hashers.h [code]This file defines a bunch of hash functors, all named Hasher<T>. The idea is to define good middle of the road algoritms -- not a complete set optimized for all possible uses
include/cxxtls/keyviewer.h [code]Defines KeyViewer a textual application promptin the user for keyboard maps. instantiate a user interface providing display of keys the user has pressed
include/cxxtls/machine.h [code]Defines MachineInfo -- a set of questions about os specific info
include/cxxtls/mru.h [code]
include/cxxtls/muSED.h [code]Define namespace muSED which is a "micro sed", where sed is the Unix "String EDitor" program
include/cxxtls/options.h [code]Defines a set of tools used to implement and check program command line options
include/cxxtls/resources.h [code]Defines class Resources, which is a mechanism of storing program initialization variables customized by the user
include/cxxtls/scripttableviewer.h [code]
include/cxxtls/sequence_map.h [code]This header file defines the Sequence_Map class. A Sequence_Map is a collection of related sequences of object. A Sequence_Map helps you determine whether you have a sequence which matches one of the patterns in the tree. See Sequence_Map
include/cxxtls/simple_regex.h [code]
include/cxxtls/skiprope.h [code]This file defines the skiprope container class
include/cxxtls/spline.h [code]Declare the spline class -- which implements a cubic spline approximation over a range
include/cxxtls/streamable.h [code]This file defines the Ostreamable template and the StreableString class
include/cxxtls/strtool.h [code]This file defines string parsing and manipulation tools that are commonly used but not part of the library
include/cxxtls/symbolviewer.h [code]
include/cxxtls/tableeditor.h [code]
include/cxxtls/tableviewer.h [code]
include/cxxtls/textviewer.h [code]Defines class TextViewer
include/cxxtls/treeviewer.h [code]
include/cxxtls/user.h [code]This header file defines queries one might want to make about a user
include/cxxtls/viewer.h [code]This file defines the class, Viewer -- which is the one of the highest level text windowing application interfaces
include/cxxtls/viewermanager.h [code]This file defines ViewerManager. That class is a container of Viewer and CursorWindow::viewport's. The viewer manager maintains a mapping between Viewer's and the currently visible viewports. It also contains a 'viewer' of its own that lets you select from currently active viewers. A Viewer, of course, can modify the items being viewed
include/fmtio/fmtio.h [code]This file defines the class, fmtio::cs, that is used to help in formatting text using a printf style control string instead of using the iomanip objects. It can also be used to populate std::strings with formatted text
lib/ascii_chart.cxx [code]Implements members of the ascii_chart class
lib/charSetTranslator.cxx [code]
lib/cpp_token_stream.cxx [code]Implements CPP_Token class
lib/cpptagdb.cxx [code]
lib/csvviewer.cxx [code]
lib/cubic_spline.cxx [code]Implements members of the cubic_spline class
lib/cursesinterface.cxx [code]Implements members of the CursesInterface namespace
lib/cursorwindow.cxx [code]This file defines the implementation of a CursorWindow on all platforms
lib/directoryviewer.cxx [code]Implements members of the DirectoryViewer class
lib/etagsdb.cxx [code]Implements members of the EtagsDB class. These members interact with files generated by the etags program
lib/file.cxx [code]Implements members of the various classes defined in file.h
lib/fnmatch.c [code]
lib/ftp.cxx [code]Implements members of the FTP class which wraps the ftp executable into a programmatic interface
lib/ftpviewer.cxx [code]This file implements the body of the FTPviewer class members
lib/io.cxx [code]Implements global variables needed by the include/io header file
lib/keyviewer.cxx [code]Implements members of the KeyViewer class which lets you see the hex values of keys pressed by the user
lib/machine.cxx [code]Implements members of the MachineInfo class which wraps a bunch of OS queries associated with machine names, etc
lib/muSED.cxx [code]
lib/NTexception.cxx [code]This file defines an NT specific operating system exception handler. Basically, it catches unexpected exceptions produced by the operating system calls, as opposed to normal C++ exceptions
lib/options.cxx [code]Implements members of the ProgramOptions class which give you a standard interface to the program's command line arguments
lib/parse_date.cxx [code]
lib/regex.c [code]
lib/resources.cxx [code]
lib/scripttableviewer.cxx [code]
lib/simple_regex.cxx [code]
lib/strtool.cxx [code]This file defines functions which are declared but not implemented in the header, strtool
lib/symbolviewer.cxx [code]
lib/tableeditor.cxx [code]
lib/tableviewer.cxx [code]
lib/textviewer.cxx [code]Implements members of the TextViewer class
lib/treeviewer.cxx [code]
lib/unix_curses.h [code]This is really a .c file, not a .h file. It defines a wrapper around curses that is used by cursorwindow.c. This wrapper is what is needed not the raw curses calls. Thus a windows implementation of this file which only implements the wrapped curses functions -- by wrapping windows drawing calls is fine
lib/user.cxx [code]Implements members of the UserInfo class
lib/viewer.cxx [code]Implements members of the ListViewer class
lib/viewermanager.cxx [code]This file implements the methods defined in class ViewerManager
lib/windows_curses.h [code]This is really a .c file, not a .h file. It defines a wrapper around curses that is used by cursorwindow.c. This file defines the MS windows implementation of a curses simulation based on the pdcurses library
pop3/format.c [code]
pop3/libspopc.h [code]
pop3/objects.c [code]
pop3/parsing.c [code]
pop3/pop3.cxx [code]
pop3/pop3.h [code]
pop3/queries.c [code]
pop3/session.c [code]
pop3/test1.cxx [code]
pop3/test2.cxx [code]
tests/chart_test.cxx [code]
tests/cpp_token_test.2.cxx [code]
tests/cubic_test.cxx [code]
tests/curses_stub.cxx [code]
tests/fmtd_performance.cxx [code]
tests/fmtd_test.cxx [code]
tests/graphs.cxx [code]
tests/read_experiment.cxx [code]
tests/spline_test.cxx [code]
tests/muSED_tests/muSED.cxx [code]
tests/muSED_tests/muSED_exe.cxx [code]
tests/muSED_tests/muSED_test.cxx [code]
tests/subdir/chart_test.c [code]
tests/subdir/zdir/four/four.c [code]
Generated on Wed Feb 29 22:59:58 2012 for CXXUtilities by  doxygen 1.6.3