This set of C++ tools contains many library functions implemented in files listed in files/index.
Additionally, several utility programs are also implemented here:
The source code for an ascii file editor can be found in the directory named editor.
The cca.exe program is a cyclomatic complexity analyzer. The script cca wraps this program in a more friendly user interface. cca.exe is meant for well formed C++ programs and java programs. It will go nuts if your source has all kinds of strange macros that contain open and close curly braces in them -- particularly if they are mismatched!
The source code for a tree structured directory listing utility can be found in bin/tree.c
The source code for a C++ parsing program can be found in bin/cpptagdb.c. This program reads C++ programs and produces output indicated which symbols are defined on which lines. It is essential to the construction of this automatically generated documentation. cpptagdb is meant for well formed C++ programs. It will go nuts if your source has all kinds of strange macros that contain open and close curly braces in them -- particularly if they are mismatched!
The source code for a program that lets you launch ftp commands from a single unix command line invocation can be found in bin/ftpwrapper.c. It is not very safe though because it requires you to supply the ftp user password on the command line. Further, it is fairly buggy, this is mainly just a test program. You just use lftp for any real work.